
Effects of Technology Use on Business Life

By Utechia - Nov 09 ,2021

There is a word we use frequently in our daily life lately: technology. Let’s dive deeper into this word that we use in every aspect of our lives and examine the effects of technology use in the workplace.

Technology is defined as a revolution enjoyed by all. Because technology makes life easier in many areas as well as easy access to information and ease of communication. Even essential devices such as mobile phones are getting high-tech replacements that provide more services and faster performance.

In addition, technology use sometimes has critical disadvantages. For example, when the internet connection is cut off, everyone feels helpless. And according to research, it’s easy to be distracted in the business environment. Because when people are online, they are constantly texting and away from their work. So, as a result, does technology increase or decrease efficiency more?

The answer to this question is somewhat confusing. Statistics show that employees are only productive at the computer for five hours during the average eight-hour workday. However, internet access gives people more communication, more information, and more speed; so, these five hours may be more productive than eight hours of work 20 years ago.

So, this means that technology is much more productive than in non-tech eras. But it doesn’t change the fact that there is still a high probability of wasting time while using this technology.

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How to Increase Business Efficiency With Technology Use?

When technology used correctly, it is a blessing for companies. Technology use has benefits in many areas from increasing work efficiency to automation, reducing costs, and branding. However, even if it is used incorrectly, it can negatively affect performance.

Computers and technology allow faster processing of data, easier retrieval of information, and in some cases, automation reducing or replacing physical workers. Since individuals do manual work, it can be time-consuming and full of faulty productions. Using technology in repetitive processes reduces and eliminates errors, while greatly reducing task time.

Technological advances not only make transactions faster but also make it easier to keep the information up to date. Instead of searching for information in a filing cabinet or guessing how information is stored to update a customer address, it is possible to retrieve it from a customer database with a few clicks. This process has been reduced from an hour to a few minutes and now it can be done instantly. When you know what technology can do for your business, you may want to implement technological solutions to make your business more efficient.

Let’s look at a few examples of how the use of technology makes works easier;

Web-Based Project Management Systems

Due to the mobile nature of many modern businesses, there is no point in maintaining paper-based files and calendars to keep track of information and to-do lists. There are hundreds of web-based project management systems that can access the internet from any laptop, tablet, or mobile device.

You can create to-do lists using some simple web-based project management systems or drive client-organised projects with a calendar. You can make timelines to track time spent per project or per client that both parties can monitor, and even have a full suite of management tools, such as systems that provide passwords. You can also find access to these programs so that each client can see the progress of the project. Even if you manage multiple clients and projects at once and need more than one person in your organisation to access the project and to-do list, this web-based range of project management tools may be ideal for you.

Programs to Automate Tasks

Are there any jobs that you can automate with technology in your current work? For example, internet businesses often create newsletters for people who are interested in their products or services. It wouldn’t make sense to write a new email to greet each person as they subscribe to your mailing list, so you can write your welcome email and take advantage of tech newsletter services to automatically send the letter when a new subscriber arrives.

In addition, CRM programs allow you to successfully manage your relations with customers by saving time.

Different types of technology can help your business maximise efficiency and productivity, reduce expenses, and increase profitability. However, technology should not be used just for the sake of using technology. When used consciously, you can observe the increase in your operating efficiency. To make an informed choice, you must determine which technologies will benefit your organisation in terms of saving time and increasing revenue, given how business operates.

It is possible to get more advanced services that you can try and get with demo versions of the programs you have detected, as well as free services. Companies that lose efficiency, no matter how financially strong, are at higher risk of bankruptcy. In production enterprises, pre-production and post-production productivity follow-up should be done as strictly as production, and technology is an invaluable blessing in this sense.

It is possible to reduce the cost, which is one of the main items that increase the profitability of a business, by using technology. In addition, thanks to these technologies, which simultaneously provide workforce and time management, both manufacturers and employees will move towards their goals with more confident steps.

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Advantages of Technology Use in Businesses

Thanks to technological developments, businesses have more options in terms of effective communication, increased productivity, automating business operations and processes, and saving business costs. Organisations and companies use computers, the latest software and applications, high-speed internet, and IoT to transform their business from local markets to international markets to compete with giant competitors in the industry.

The advantages of technology in business are innumerable, no matter what industry you’re in or what type of business you run. Let’s list the benefits briefly:

technology use

You can read a new titled “Technological influence on business activity” in order to have detailed information.

To sum up, when the right tactics are applied, technology can be prevented from reducing its efficiency unnecessarily. It should not be forgotten that; technology should not be thought of as the disadvantage that stands in the way of traditional business, but rather as a great tool that the majority do not use properly. It should be known that; When company employees better understand the benefits and potential liabilities of technology in their work environment, they can use technology more accurately and turn this use into an advantage


There is a word we use frequently in our daily life lately: technology. Let’s dive deeper into this word that we use in every aspect of our lives and examine the effects of technology use in the workplace. Technology is defined as a revolution enjoyed by all. Because technology makes life easier in many areas […]

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