
Technological Advances of January 2022

By Utechia - Feb 01 ,2022

As we finish the first month of the new year, we are with you with some of the technological advances we have compiled from the world agenda. This month, again, there were many developments focused on business, science, technology, and digital. In other words, we saw the activities of global brands that set the agenda. If you wish, with no further ado, let’s take a look at the prominent technological advances of the month in more detail now.

What are the Technological Advances of January 2022?

We start the month’s agenda with news about NFT. The world’s first NFT restaurant has been announced. The fee to be paid to enter this restaurant established in New York is astonishing. The startup, which was created by American entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuck, is called “Flyfish Club.” As we mentioned in the previous paragraph, your entrance to this restaurant is not that simple. Because only users with an NFT membership card will be able to enter this restaurant. The cost of this is 2.5 Ethereum. The membership created in return for this payment provides access to the seafood restaurant, cocktail lounge, and private club events.

technological advances

Brand Finance, the international brand valuation organisation, announced the “World’s Most Valuable Brands Report”. According to this report named Global 500 – 2022, Apple became the most valuable brand in the world with 355.1 billion dollars. While the value of Amazon in the 2nd place is 350.3 billion dollars, the value of Google, which is in the 3rd place in the list, was announced as 263.4 billion dollars.

Meta, which is among the companies that want to have a voice in supercomputers, introduced its new supercomputer called AI Research SuperCluster.

Introduced by Meta (formerly Facebook), the AI Research SuperCluster (RSC) supercomputer will become the world’s fastest supercomputer in the coming months, according to Meta’s claims.

According to the information provided by Meta, AI Research SuperCluster (RSC) will help the company build new and better artificial intelligence models, work in hundreds of different languages, develop new augmented reality tools, and more.

It should be noted that the AI Research SuperCluster project is not yet completed, but the supercomputer is partially operational. The AI Research SuperCluster (RSC) will also become a tool that Meta will use to create metaverses in the future.

technological advances

In Metamobility, Boston Dynamics robots act as a bridge between virtual reality and real-life, allowing you to move in virtual reality, wherever you are.

Hyundai Motor, which acquired Boston Dynamics in June of last year, introduced the new “Metamobility” concept at CES 2022. Hyundai Motor’s presentation stood out with the “Expanding Human Reach” theme. In this presentation, the company shared its visionary views on the mobility of the future.

Hyundai Motor brought up the concept of the Robotic-based Internet of Mobility (MoT), which draws attention with its similarity to the Internet of Things (IoT) field. According to what the company shared, Hyundai Motor focuses on developments in the field of robotics to make people’s lives easier with its mobility solutions.

Hyundai Motor calls the metaverse connection of smart mobility devices “Metamobility”. The company’s merger of the Metaverse and Mobility names caught your attention.

The company aims to enable individuals to move anywhere at any time, by overcoming space and time constraints with virtual reality technology. This is where Boston Dynamics robots come into play.  Boston Dynamics robots act as a bridge between virtual reality and real-life, allowing you to move in the spaces you specify via virtual reality, wherever you are.

Metaverse and robot connectivity can enable users to manage robots like in a smart factory. With this explanation, we can say that remote work has gained a new meaning. In this remote working model, experts will be able to access all machines and assets within the factory using a virtual reality headset. Likewise, in the metaverse, workers will interact with a robotic avatar using a virtual reality headset and hand controllers. As a result of this interaction, they will be able to direct the robots in the real-life working area.

technological advances

The Hubble Space Telescope recently shared a stunning image. The image showed the galaxy NGC 3318, located about 115 million light-years from Earth and located in the constellation Vela.

The European Space Agency (ESA) shared the image on its official Instagram account. ESA noted that the spiral arms of the galaxy are obscured in the image. ESA stated that Vela was originally part of a much larger constellation known as Argo Navis.

This constellation proved to be practically not large. Argo Navis consists of 3 separate sections, Carnina, Puppis, and Vela, each of them is a part of Argo. NGC 3318’s outer edges are reminiscent of a sailing ship.

All planets were thought to be spherical. But not, according to a new study. Researchers discovered a new planet called WASP-103b, about 1,500 light-years from Earth, and stated that this planet is shaped like a potato or a rugby ball.

Astronomers stated that the potato-shaped planet WASP-103b is located around an F-type star that is larger and more massive than the Sun. They also noted that the planet is also quite large. About one and a half times the size of Jupiter, this planet’s different shape is due to its proximity to a star larger than the Sun.

Brands are starting to embrace the idea of ​​creating their own virtual worlds to increase sales and interact with shoppers. In this sense, Metaverse promises a world where people can discover new areas and immerse themselves in these areas. Users will be able to take shopping to the next level in this world. In this way, a new world of social interaction will be created. Mainly the commercialisation of brands and interactions with fans have become a priority for brands. However, current Web 2.0 technology is not enough to realise this. So, influencers who have a great place in social media are looking for ways to bring their fans and brands together. Metafluence was born to make that dream come true.

Metafluence steps in to increase the influencers’ experience. The project was made real by Keep face Team, a marketing platform with years of experience in bridging brands, influencers, and audiences. In this way, influencers will be able to seamlessly interact with their followers, share their lifestyles, collect and sell digital collections, and also organise meetings with people. In addition, influencers will be able to cooperate with advertisers within the platform. CEO Elvin Aziyev for this newly developed platform used the phrases: “Metafluence will be a virtual city visited by influencers, brands, and followers.”

With this feature, popular Instagram creators can now start charging you for viewing their content.

Some creators have been selected by Instagram to test the new subscription feature. Selected creators will set their own subscription fees. Subscription prices will range from $0.99 to $99.99. So, how will the subscription fee you pay be returned to you?

Users who subscribe to their favorite content creator for a certain fee will be greeted with a variety of exclusive content such as exclusive Instagram stories and live streams. Users who choose to subscribe will be able to tell if a story is subscriber-only by the purple circle surrounding the creator’s profile photo.

The privileges of users who subscribe to their favorite content producer by paying money to the Instagram application are not limited to private shares. Users who subscribe to a creator will have a purple badge next to their name when they comment on or send a direct message to a post from the creator they subscribe to. In this way, subscribed and non-subscribed users will be separated from each other.

 If you’re not a “content creator”, you won’t be getting paid to watch your Instagram stories.

We saw technological advances happening in January. Let’s see which technological advances will occur next month.


As we finish the first month of the new year, we are with you with some of the technological advances we have compiled from the world agenda. This month, again, there were many developments focused on business, science, technology, and digital. In other words, we saw the activities of global brands that set the agenda. […]

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